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About SEP
Environmental Classification: Orange-B
(Based on ECR Rules, 7(2), Bangladesh)
Project duration:
3.10 years (2020-2024)
Target ME: 1100
Enhancing environmental sustainability and climate resilience are becoming increasingly important for sustaining Bangladesh’s economic progress. Bangladesh ranked 173 out of 180 countries on Yale’s 2016 Environmental Performance Index. Globally, Bangladesh ranks among the countries with the economy most at risk due to the impacts of climate change. The rapid growth of manufacturing, dominated by micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), has led to a massive increase in natural resource use and degradation and to growing air, soil and water pollution. Reducing negative environmental externalities has been identified as a priority area for Bangladesh to continue progress towards reducing poverty and inequality. Embarking on a greener growth pathway would provide major benefits for Bangladesh in terms of increased productivity and innovation, access to new markets, generating of public revenue, and reduction of vulnerability to shocks.
In the microenterprise sector, attention to environmental sustainability and climate resilience is limited due to a mix of capacity, market accessibility, knowledge and financial barriers. While the statistics show a high contribution to GDP from microenterprises, there is little evidence to show that microenterprises are growing in a sustainable way. The performance of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) is limited in terms of revenue earnings, machinery use, capital-labor ratio, and growth of value added, except labor productivity in some instances. Negative externalities, such as pollution, health impacts, or loss of productivity, are typically not reflected in costs, thereby reducing the incentive for microenterprises to shift to more sustainable goods and services, or collectively invest in better environmental technologies and infrastructure.
The Sustainable Enterprise Project (SEP) support microenterprises in manufacturing clusters with a focus on areas that are environmentally stressed and/or vulnerable to climate change and natural disasters. The project aims to support microenterprises through environment friendly investments in the manufacturing sectors to promote environmentally sustainable technologies and practices among microenterprises in environmentally vulnerable areas, induce changes in the micro-lending ecosystem, and support to the adoption of basic operational safety norms in project-supported enterprises.
To analyze the present situation of imitation gold jewelry’s economical sustainability, environmental issues, various hazards, and market linkage, international market Shishu Niloy Foundation is implementing the sub-project of Imitation Gold Jewelry sub-sector called “Promoting environment friendly enterprise through quality production and marketing of imitation jewelry” at the field level under the SEP project.
Sub-Project objectives:
- To aware and cope with the various environmentally issues on the jewelry enterprise.
- To create opportunity and improve the friendly environmental business through qualitative production of imitation gold jewelry.
- To ensure new design development.
- Set up new technology and packaging for high quality products.
- To ensure wages basis employment of poor and ultra poor.
- To develop brand for selling products through the expansion of market and consumers.
The sub-project will be implemented in the following geographical area:
Name of the district/s: Jashore & Jhenidah, Name of the Upazila/s: Chowgacha, Moheshpur, Kotchandpur and number of union/s: 16

Upazial wise SEP Project area of SNF
Revenue generating common service facilities development
- Set up manufacture machineries, (Color, Ultra- Filter, Heat-chamber, Dies-Cutting, Vat. etc.) for the machine owners at factory level;
- Set up packaging machines for the box making factories;
Non-revenues generating physical activities
- Set up display, information and service centre;
- New technology and design adaptation;
- Pit Demonstration and rainage System Develop, Covered Waste Box;
- Develop catalog, musk, gloves, sun-glass, leaftlet, Design book, Fire extengush etc;
- Linkage with importer and manufacture companines for ensuring beneficiaries to import new machineries servicing & arrangging new mordern design;
- New Technology Transfer;
- Linkage workshop;
- Environmental Certification;
- Product Certification Access to markets;
- Business CertificationWebsite development and Online / E-Marketing;
- Training on environment, Product & Business certification;
- Staff recruitments & Staff training;
- Office setup;
- Monitoring & Evaluation (Baseline Survey, Final evaluation, Internal Audit & External Audit etc.);
- Inception, Market linkage, reducing harassment on product carrying and different issues workshop, issue meetings and seminar;
- Monthly Staff Meeting;
- Procourement commitee meeting;
Capacity Development of MEs
- Staff recruitments (Technical Officer)
- Inception meeting;
- Borrower trainings of 05 & 10 days;
- Borrower trainings on Accounts keeping;
- Training for disgner and training on Electro plate;
- Training on Emarketing;
- Workshop to reduce harassment in tranport of goods;
- Match Making workshop;
- Study tour and Development fair;
- Workshop/orientation on health hazard, women harrazment;
- Traqining on Emarketing;
- Day Observance;
Raw Materials seller Machineries Importer/seller →
Producer →
Whole seller →
Retailer →
The environmental and business sustainability of the imitation gold jewelry subsector is considered to be sustainable and eco-friendly. The proposed sub-project aims to improve income and standard of living through environmentally sustainable production through marketing of newly designed and branded imitation gold jewelry. That’s why at the end of the day Amador entrepreneurs will create new design jewelry and market branded imitation gold jewelry to improve income and standard of living and environmentally sustainable production